An in-depth analysis of how 405 years of indifference to the health of Black women and their children has created the stark inequities seen today.

Every year, more than 25 percent of Black children living in rental households receive an eviction filing, according to new data released in the fall of 2023. This makes Black children and their mothers the demographic most at risk of experiencing an eviction in the United States.

Welcome to the wonderful world of mushrooms. No, not the fun ones. 🙄
Image credit: Ted Cavanaugh for Popular Science

The growing, and sometimes conflicted, calls for cash payments to achieve parity and better health outcomes, explained.

Image credit: Carlos Basabe for Vox

Vox: The FDA made mail-order abortion pills legal. Access is still a nightmare.

Restrictive states have already set their sights on a new wave of telehealth companies that were supposed to be a panacea for a post-Roe world.

Image credit: Paige Vickers for Vox

The coronavirus pandemic has brought disproportionate suffering to Black communities, but it didn’t have to be that way. This story is featured in the 2021 edition of The Best American Science and Nature Writing.

Image credit: David Dee Delgado for Getty Images

These are the risks involved with at-home, non-medication abortions.

Enthusiasts of quantifying maintain that paying attention to individual health data is how they achieve a state of nirvana. That’s the best-case scenario. Mine was not that.

Image credit: Colleen Tighe for 538

People inhale soot and noxious fumes from the car-laden highways encircling their historically black community. This story was nominated for a National Association of Black Journalists Salute to Excellence award in 2018.

Image credit: Chris McGonigal for HuffPost